

Mein Horoscope:

(May 20-June 21)
Many seasons of your life have been spent figuring out what was bothering you. This has involved a difficult confrontation with the past, during which you’re likely to have discovered how much emotional baggage you’re dragging around, courtesy of your family and your upbringing. This nagging sense that something was wrong has been the source of so much of your perfectionism. What you’re now discovering is that it’s best to exchange this for other methods of growth that actually get you somewhere. At the moment, it’s equally important that you leave behind the baggage as it is that you leave behind your struggle to sort it out. You’re about to embark on a new kind of challenge: something entirely more creative and that is obviously beautiful. You crave this with all your heart and soul. How many times have you discovered that analysis only gets you so far? At a certain point you have to pick up the world and sculpt it with your hands, proceeding on the basis of feeling. For the next few weeks, you may still need to iron out your concepts. I suggest you boil what you’ve learned down to a few ideas short enough to write on the wall; something easy to remember, akin to a sharp tool you can hang on your belt and use when you need it.

Wo hab ich angefangen? Basel. Idem Büro bekommt eine neue Form. Mehr und mehr die Frage: Was will ich mit Idem und was will es von mir?
Basel als Heimat empfinden nicht so möglich. 
In der Mitte die Entscheidung: ja zum Backpackers. Ja zu mehr Zeit für mich. 
Ein wunderschönes Ende. Backpack und ich. Natur. Meine Lieben. Neue Art des Reisens. Mit mir sein.
Immer mehr Schritte dorthin.
Guter Monat! Mit wichtigen Entscheidungen und Schritten, zu mir, für mich.

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